Lautaro: I’ve received many offers to leave Inter Milan

The striker of Argentina admits that he has had many offers to leave, but has spent these years putting down roots in the city.

The Inter Captain explained: “Milano is my home, so many people put me on the street, not only interfans. I try to treat everyone with respect. I have even invested in a restaurant here, this means that the city will always be part of my life.

“At a sporting level I want to keep taking to Inter. We already came close to winning the Champions League and we want to get better and better.”

Lautaro also said: “I received many offers, but I never intended to leave Inter, because my family was arranged here from the first moment and happy.

“I always put the project first and foremost when choosing in sport, and at that moment I knew that Inter had a great project. I was well proven because many more trophies followed.”


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