Lewis-Skelly scores against Man City and marks it with Haaland’s celebration

Lewis-Skelly scores against Man City and marks it with the celebration of Haaland

The talented full-back stopped the celebration of Haaland after he had placed the Gunners 3-1 on the side of Pep Guardiola on the Emirates.

Lewis-Skelly wrapped in a pillow with two goals in the 61st minute, with a great strike for his first target group Premier League goal.

But it was the celebration of the 18-year-old who had Arsenal fans talking.

Lewis-Skelly hilariously did the meditation of the city of Spits Haaland at the corner flag with his back to the fans.

It was clearly not planned when his teammates crawled around him and laughed while he came up again.

The celebration of Haaland means that he is in a meditative position, reminiscent of the 'Lotus' pose of yoga.

In this position he sits on the ground with his wrists on his knees and his fingers touch his thumb, which embody calmness and inner peace.


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