Ceballos Stat v Atlético Madrid: 2 important steps, 9 duels won, 99% Pass accuracy
Dani Ceballos against Atlético Madrid:
👌 124 touches (🥇)
📮 0.53 XA (🥇)
🎁 1 big chance
🔑 2 key passes
🔭 5/5 accurate long balls
👟 101/102 accurate steps (🥇 🥇 🥇 🥇 🥇)
💨 3/3 Successful dribbles
⚔️ 9/12 duels won (= 🥇)
Dani Ceballos successfully completed all 41 passes he tried in the last third part of the field against Atlético Madrid. 💯
He is the first player to try 40+ passes in the last third part and the past ten seasons have not moved a single in a LaLiga match.