Dazn is vocally unhappy that the current state of affairs has purchased the broadcasting rights for the current Ligue 1 cycle (2024-29). That dissatisfaction manifested itself in the decision to hold a payment of € 35 million to the LFP last month. In the end, Dazn paid the amount, but the solution to that specific dispute, which only came a few days before a hearing on the subject, somewhat papers over the cracks.
Given the dissatisfaction on both sides, there have been rumors about a return for Canal Plus, the historic broadcaster of Ligue 1. Last week, LFP President Vincent Labrune spoke to L'équipe, if they want to send “Ligue 1.”
He added: “But for now they didn't want to do that and we can't force them.” The door is now firmly closed by Canal Plus. The president of the broadcaster, Maxime Saada, said the following during an interview with Le Figaro: “The conditions are absolutely not tailored to the return of Canal+in this deal.”
The prospect of channel plus making an immediate return is therefore excluded. It is unclear under which circumstances the broadcaster would return to the negotiating table.
GFFN | Luke Entwistle