New trial sought for ex-Spain football boss Rubiales over unconsented kiss

Officers of Justice ask for the introduction of former Spanish football president Luis Rubiales and say that the court has wrongly preserved any proof of the court.

Rubiales was found guilty of sexual violence and received more than € 10,000 (£ 8,400) for the unusual kiss on player Jenni Hermoso after the final of the World Cup of 2023.

He and three other defendants – federation officials – were released from coercive accounts with which they were confronted because they allegedly tried to convince Hermoso to trivialize the kiss that caused the indignation in Spain and the celebrations of the first World Cup trophy disfigured.

Officers of Justice had asked for a prison sentence of two and a half years for Rubiales for the charges of sexual violence and coercion. He denied misconduct.

Officers of Justice appealed on Thursday and claimed that the Judge case was incorrect that any evidence could not be introduced and some questions were also incorrectly refused. Prosecutors said the judge was disrespectful and called for a new judge to supervise a new trial.

Hermoso said that the guilty judgment for Rubiales was an “important precedent” for women's rights.

The Spanish National Court also forbade Rubiales to come from Hermoso within 200 meters (Yards) or to communicate with her for a year.


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