Espanyol 5-0 Barcelona: Barca B side thrashed in semi-final of la Copa Catalunya

The game is over and the final score is Espanyol 5-0 Barcelona. Here is the match report.

2024/2025 Copa Catalunya



Espanyol XI: Ángel Fortuño, Justin Smith, Alex Almansa, Lluc Castell, Rafel Bauzà, Carlos Sánchez, Xavi Rufo, Leo Salazar, Roger Hinojo, José Ángel López, Victor Mingo


Barcelona XI: Joan Anaya, Aziz Issah, Ibrahim Diarra, Max Bonfill, Pol Bernabeu, Marcos Parriego, Landry Farre, Hafiz Gariba, Dani Ferrer, Tomas Marques, Juan Piera



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